Tuesday, March 20, 2007

On the Road

Motoring Pet Peeves
(OKay, here's my bitching)
Riding about on my scooter, (and in Massachusetts), I've developed a few motoring pet peeves.... Despite my patience and perpetual Buddhist chants, these occurrences remain forever annoying.
1. Huge SUVS with black tinted windows, right in front of me. I CAN'T see anything ahead of me.
DANGEROUS.[What's with the tinted windows anyway? Is there a drug lab in your back seat? A parlor of ill repute? A row of severed heads? What do you have to hide? ]
More than likely, a bag of groceries, or some soccer gear.
2. People shoveling snow and throwing it in the middle of the street. VERY annoying for those of us on bikes or scoots or motorcycles. ESPECIALLY in the dark.
3. People parking IN THE MIDDLE of the roadway with their "hazard" lights on. Hazard lights are for emergencies, not for picking up a pizza, dropping off the dry cleaning, or herding hoards of children into your van. ((The HAZARD in this case is all of the traffic being diverted into the next lane during rush hour. ))
4. Not using turn signals. On a scooter or motorcycle, you can maneuver around cars, but it's VERY HELPFUL if you know a car's directional intentions. It doesn't seem to involve much effort to signal. It makes EVERYBODY's ride safer.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Drug lab in the back seat... How did you know? LOL!