Monday, July 28, 2008

Why I Play

I've waxed poetic numerous times about my beloved softball team SLAM. But, I can't help it. Saturday evening I went up to lovely Lowell to watch the Riptides, the professional women's New England softball league. It was awesome to see the young ladies in top form. It made me melancholy, though. I missed out on being a team player when I was younger. Though I'm grateful I discovered team sports in my late 30's, I wish I participated as a youngster. Track did not have the same feeling of camaraderie. Hence, to my point. The best part about being on a team is--- win or lose--- the socializing after the game. Here's a video of our chattering SLAMettes after our game Sunday. The video quality is purposely bad to protect the identity of the innocent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YEs, I've often felt the same, that I didn't have many team experiences. I played sports all around the neighborhood, but was never on any school teams. I was in an organized basketball league in 5th and 6th grade, but felt I was more of a hindrance than a help. If it goes well, then it's a healthy experience to have.
