The Worse Gum, Ever I Chewed Before
This past weekend I went to PTown. Along the way through the afternoon I had a hankering for fresh gum. I ambled into the local Mom and Pop pharmacy. Instead of buying breath freshening Dentyne I got all nostalgic and bought Fruit Stripes. ((After all the pack came with nifty lick-on zebra tattoos))
It should be have been advertised as: Fruit Cardboard Strips, because I think dear Old Pop probably last stocked the gum in 1972.
My 'fruit' gum was dry, tasteless, & hard as a rock. Oh well.
That got me thinking about gum. Take my dumb-ass poll!
Eclipse rules the gum universe IMO. The flavor lasts a long-ass time.
you notice that Beeman's-- the old man's gum--- is not a favorite....
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