Monday, March 19, 2007


Part of the fun of having a hobby like scootering is the endless amount of gear that you "MUST" buy. Every ten minutes the is sending me emails about clearance specials and tons of gear that I must have.
Of course I start perusing the ads and quickly find ten items
I NEED. (only kidding)
But seriously, I do require riding pants, and boots. If I'm going to scoot all winter like a maniac then I'm going to need warmer (and safer) gear.
Well, I've got my eye on a few items. Here some of my 'true' choices and some amusing alternative choices....Which one would the baron choose?


Laura said...

Those pink chaps (with fringe!) are the bomb! I especially love the image of the smoking gun on them - with the tendrils of smoke wafting up towards her crotch... so hot!

the baron said...

should i buy these chaps????

Laura said...

Well, as much as I like those pink chaps, I do think they would clash with the color of your scooter. A girl's got to be coordinated!