Monday, January 9, 2012

Congratulations! I'm Sane.

Well, kind of. I took "The Sanity Quiz" on Psych Central, apparently it's an extremely accurate quiz for diagnosis of mental health. I'm sane, for the most part, since I successfully answered each question. I suffer from PTSD and Bulimia, however. 

Based upon your answers, you appear to be in good mental health. Congratulations! You may experience specific mental health concerns, relationship issues, or other issues that come up from time to time in your life, but your overall mental health score suggests that you deal with these well. People with similar scores are more resilient than most people, handle stress appropriately, have good relationships with others, and are able to cope with the in's and out's of everyday life with grace and ease. 
General Coping  11
Life Events  19
Depression  19
Anxiety  8
Phobias  0
Self-Esteem  17
Eating Disorders  25
Schizophrenia  0
Dissociation  0
Mania  10
Sexual Issues  0
Relationship Issues  19
Alcohol  0
Drugs  0
Physical Issues  17
Smoking Issues  0
Gambling Issues  0
Technology Issues  19
Obsessions/Compulsions  19
Posttraumatic Stress  33
Borderline Traits  4

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bulimia? I'm surprised. Everybody's got at least one thing, though. Congrats, Baron.
