Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Gadgets vs. Toys

Gadgets vs. Toys

Gadgets Vs. ToyS: Alike vs. Different

An inquiry (totally my opinion)

1. ALIKE: Gadgets & and toys are objects.

2. ALIKE: Gadgets & toys are usually man/woman made or natural things shaped by humans.

3. DIFFERENT: Gadgets make some people very happy, & other people frustrated. Toys usually make most people happy, unless they’re terribly frustrated people.

4. DIFFERENT: Sometimes you can eat toys ; you usually don’t eat gadgets.

5. ALIKE: Both gadgets & toys can move & do things, but not always.

6. DIFFERENT: Some toys you just want to look at & keep. Most gadgets you usually end up using. (Some of us less able MAY end up just looking at them)

7. ALIKE: Both can be made of similar materials: metal & plastic, etc.

8. DIFFERENT: You can ‘play’ with gadgets, but ultimately with an action in mind.

9. ALIKE: Sometimes you'll miss a toy or gadget you used to have, & you’ll search for it longingly.

10. DIFFERENT: Gadgets have a useful purpose, usefully specific. The more unusual the gadget the more pointed the purpose.

11. DIFFERENT: Toys have an open purpose, or even purposelessness. You can use toys, but with free-wheeling play in mind.

12. SAME: Children & adults alike enjoy BOTH gadgets & toys. (Though children in general are more enthralled by toys, and adults gadgets.)

13. Different: Dogs & Cats definitely seem to prefer toys.

14. DIFFERENT: A toy requires less skill; a gadget more.

15. SAME: Gadgets and toys are one of the traits that make humans unique.

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